Sunday, November 20, 2011

H English 10 Blog #5

This is my fifth blog of Honors English this year. We haven't been blogging for about a month now due to essays other things. My last blog was on the sixteenth of October and at that time, we were still reading Lord of the Flies. Now we have finished Lord of the Flies, we have started reading The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, a play by William Shakespeare. This play takes place in ancient Rome and is about a military leader named Julius Caesar who seeks more power. The people of Rome praise him and all his actions. But some close friends of Caesar don't like what he might become and plot to assassinate him. We have just passed the part where Caesar is assassinated, and we are now on the scene where Brutus gives a speech followed by Marc Antony, Caesar's closest friend, who some even believe him to be Julius's son. We know for a fact that Antony's speech will be much more powerful then Brutus's speech and all of the conspirators who shook hands with Antony will die, thanks to the information given to us by Mr. Keating. 
One of the symbols of the Illuminati: The Eye of the Pyramid

    On a real world note, this play is about the desire for power and what it leads too. I believe that power can lead us to do irrational things and everyone has the desire for power whether big or small. For example, some believe that there is a secret organization called the Illuminati, who control the government and seek new world order. There are documentaries and books about the Illuminati and how they plotted historical events from the assassination of JFK to the attacks on 9/11. Some believe that the Illuminati controls things from the media to the music industry. It is also believed that music artists like Jay-Z, Beyonce, and Lady GaGa are a part of the Illuminati, and they have hidden messages in their music. There are many articles on the internet of the Illuminati and this is one of them, I have also added a ten minute video at the bottom of this blog about the Illuminati and their origins. No one knows if this organization is real or not, but if they are, it shows how sick and twisted our minds can get for a taste of control and power. Another example would be the infamous Adolf Hitler, and his massacre of the Jews, for some power and world control, which lead to his death. And one more example is the recent events in Libya and Qaddafi. Due to his desire to keep the throne and hold power, which caused a revolution, he died. Just like Julius Caesar, both of these men died due to their desire for power. These examples show how the lust for power can blind a person's rational thinking and cause them to do irrational things. Thank you for reading my fifth blog of this year, and I hope that you enjoyed it.

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