Sunday, October 2, 2011

H English 10 Blog #3

The Beast?

This is my third blog of the year and as I mention in all my other blogs, I am improving, both on my writing and creativity. This week in English, we continued to read Lord of the Flies by William Golding, which I am enjoying so far. So far, we have read almost half the book and I still have a copious amount of questions, like will Ralph be able to keep power as the chief and keep everything under control? And what is the beast? Or is it even real? Although the twins saw what they believed to be the beast, describing it as a large thing with wings, that was very furtive and agile, but was actually a dead pilot's body and parachute being swayed around by the wind, I still have a feeling that their is some sort of beast on the island which hasn't been discovered yet. We are also seeing a new side of Jack, which Ralph isn't to happy about. Jack seems to be taking matters into his own hands, and kind of rebelling against Ralph's rules, taking some of the boys with him. If Ralph can't control the situation and loses all power, their chances of survival will be slimmer then they already are. They need to work together if they want to have a chance at surviving, and with Jack, who is irascible, and Ralph not getting along very well, things look bad for the boys. Jack isn't the only on changing though. Piggy seems to be changing as well. He is starting to stand up for himself against Jack. He is not just sitting there, letting Jack push him around, and this might backfire, because it might cause Jack to do harm to Piggy. This is bad because the boys need to start getting along and they need to work together to survive and get off the island. Just like the old saying goes, "There is no I in team". Teamwork is the essential tool to victory, which for the boys would be getting of the island. For example, a soccer player doesn't win a World Cup alone; he wins it with a team. Same goes for basketball, football, and even surviving on an island. There are many reasons why teamwork is important and I found a great article giving some good reasons: This article gives eight reasons why teamwork is the best work, and better then individual work. When managed properly, teamwork can be very effective and help you with any type of situation. That is why Jack, Ralph and everyone else need to start working more as a team rather then individuals in order to survive the situation they are in and get off of the island. If they don't then things may turn out for the worse and they might not get off the island, yet alone survive. That is the end of my blog for this week and I hope that you enjoyed it!

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